
New INDY Gallery Features

Beginning today INDY members can now enjoy some new features in the INDY Gallery.

After many months of work tweaking and testing, I'm finally making keyword searches available to all members with access to the Gallery. As of right now, the search function will look for images containing all of the keywords (or directory/filename). To exclude a specific keyword, precede it with NOT.

indy fedora
This will find any image with both "indy" and "fedora" in its keywords or directory/filename.

indy fedora
(excluding directory names)
This will find any image with both "indy" and "fedora" in its keywords (only).

fedora NOT indy
This will find any image with "fedora" in its keywords or directory/filename, but will ignore any image which contains "indy" in its keywords or directory/filename.

Adding the keywords to images is a very time consuming process; I've barely scratched the surface of the Gallery's contents so far. I do hope you will enjoy the new features; personally, I've found it extremely useful over the past year in which I've been testing it.

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