
INDY Poll Results: Who would you like to see win the 2008 United States Presidential Election?

INDY.CC visitors have elected Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America. Here are the results of the long running INDY Poll (which closed this morning)....

- Constitution: Baldwin / Castle »» 0% (1 vote)
- Democratic: Obama / Biden »» 56% (101 votes)
- Green: McKinney / Clemente »» 0% (1 vote)
- Independent: Nader / Gonzalez »» 1% (3 votes)
- Libertarian: Barr / Root »» 1% (2 votes)
- Republican: McCain / Palin »» 39% (71 votes)

Total votes: 179

I am VERY happy to see participation from "third party" voters. Thank you to everyone who participated in this poll.

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