
FISA (TeleCom immunity) in Senate today

The "compromise" FISA bill which passed in the House (reference: TeleCom Immunity Resurfaces again), the same bill which Chris Dodd has been fighting against for some time now, will be put to a Senate vote today.

To repeat the summary I wrote when this disgusting and unconstitutional bill was in front of the House of Representatives...
A new FISA Bill has just been made public [PDF] which appears to yet again contain immunity for TeleComs that helped the NSA break the law and spy on millions of ordinary Americans for the Bush Administration. Let me repeat that... TeleComs helped the NSA break the law in order to spy on American citizens. Just to be clear, the NSA was created on November 4, 1952 in order to be responsible for the collection and analysis of foreign communications and foreign signals intelligence.

Once again, I will cling to the hope that the Senate will uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and destroy this loathsome mockery of a bill. I will update this post when the Senate vote comes through.

UPDATE (2008-07-09 14:26 MDT): Ugh! It passed 69 to 28 (3 did not vote). Worse still was finding Obama's name amid the Yeas even though an amendment - that he and others supported - to remove TeleCom immunity was rejected. The vote results can be found on this page: http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=110&session=2&vote=00168

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